SELF HELP RESOURCE - Work / Career Concerns


Nobody likes to do performance appraisals - nobody! Appraisal time is also an uncomfortable and stressful time for both employees and managers. 
Two questions every employee need answers to are "what is my job?" and "how am I doing?" Regular feedback on these questions is one of the most effective tools an employer uses to increase productivity. 

Studies show that providing good feedback to employees can increase productivity by 11 to 20 per cent. The yearly performance appraisals are a best way a company provides feedback to its employees. Appraisals serve two broad purposes in organizations: 

1) Performance appraisals serve administrative purposes in areas such as reward allocation (salary increases, bonuses), and assignment decisions (promotions, transfers, and demotions) 
2) Evaluation also contributes to employee development, because it allows the identification of their strengths and weaknesses, provides performance feedback, and facilitates exchanges with supervisors. 

How does the employee feel? 

Some of the common emotions experienced are: 

  • A feeling of anxiety and apprehension about the reports. 

  • Concern about what colleagues would say about the performance report. 

  • Feeling stressed throughout the period. 

  • Losing his/her cool with colleagues, family and friends. 

  • Preoccupation with the entire process of appraisal and its outcome. 

  • Employees whose reports were not up to the mark may feel embittered, dejected, or discouraged - and at times may even get aggressive. This may persist for many weeks after the appraisal. 

  • They may also feel that the employees who got a better report were favoured by the management, hence a feeling of jealousy and insecurity. 

  • The better performing employees on the other hand may have a feeling of superiority. 

What does the manager go through? 
On the other hand it is not only the employees who feel uncomfortable about the entire process, the managers or team leaders appraising them also face a tough and delicate situation. Some of the issues that they might be concerned about are: 

  • What method of appraisal to use. 

  • Giving an accurate feedback. 

  • Motivating the employees if their performance is not up to the mark. 

  • Giving feedback without making it look as if they are favouring some employees over the other. This would create unease in the work environment. 

  • Being careful that they are not comparing two employees. 

  • How to give negative feedback. The subordinate might perceive a well-intentioned comment as personal criticism. 

  • Juggling the welfare of the organization and the employees. 

  • Listening to the employees and taking their point of view in a rational and understanding manner at the same time being able to put their own points forward in a firm way. 

Appraisal time is certainly not easy on any of the people involved. Yet being able to handle it well is crucial to individual and team development and productivity. 
Going through the article on Managing Stress can be helpful. 



If you would like to discuss this further or need some help or support in this or any other area, our counsellors would be happy to help. 
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Latest Comments

sucharu1981 on 02 Jan 2018, 13:09 PM

very informative indeed

silambu121 on 08 Nov 2015, 08:16 AM

The content of this article is what I was searching for !!!! Thank you